It’s all Greek (or something) to him.

Me, after catching up to Tyler, who ran all the way from his Kindergarten Enrichment class to our car:  “Look at you, running like the wind with that backpack bounding behind you!”

Tyler:  “It wasn’t bounding.  It was jumping.”

Me:  “Yes, but ‘bounding’ is another word for ‘jumping.’”

Tyler:  “Oh.  Well, I don’t speak Spanish.”

Now that’s a lot of love.

Me:  “I love you.”

Eva:  “Well, I love you a million!”

Me:  “Well, I love you a billion!”

Eva:  “Well I love you a bazillion!”

Me:  “Well I love you a million billion trillion quadrillion quintillion sextillion septillion octillion nonillion decillion!”

Eva (after a thoughtful pause):  “Well…I love you a chameleon!”