
Recently I called my mom and was greeted by Robert Plant, belting out the finale to “Stairway to Heaven.”

“What was that?” was all I could muster when she answered.

“It’s a band called Led Zeppelin,” she replied. “I like that rock type of music.”

“Mom, I know who Led Zeppelin is. But do you really think a hard rock callback ringtone for a woman in her 60s is professional? Or appropriate? Or legal?”

“You’re right,” she said resolutely. “I should change it.”

This week I called, and this time Steven Tyler answered with a screeching reminder to dream until my dreams come true.

Her defense: “It’s ‘70s music. I’m more entitled to it than you are.”

If callback ringtones are still around in 2033, I hereby relinquish my rights to Guns N’ Roses for the good of the next generation.  And if Axl welcomes you to the jungle when you call, for the love of God, take out your bifocals and read this back to me.